Will be shocked to learn I'm at a loss for words.
HeartBroker Oct 18, 2006 #23,337 To LL; Curses, you typer! To Doc; ...appreciates my handiwork! (I'm a big fan of yours as well, that autopsy you did in 2002 was....) :rofl:
To LL; Curses, you typer! To Doc; ...appreciates my handiwork! (I'm a big fan of yours as well, that autopsy you did in 2002 was....) :rofl:
HeartBroker Oct 18, 2006 #23,339 drdeath67 said: That autopsy was hush hush! Click to expand... Should know that it was recently shown on Fox!
drdeath67 said: That autopsy was hush hush! Click to expand... Should know that it was recently shown on Fox!